Environmental News
Fire Safety
Click for a link to Hays County Burn Ban status or for more information, call the Hays County Fire Marshal @ 393-7339.
Current Procedure for burning: Call 512-894-0704 weekdays OR weekend to provide information on the burn including name, address and timing.
Visit www.haysinformed.com for more information and rules for outdoor burning.
Oak Wilt
Oak Wilt is presently in our neighborhood and all neighbors should be aware of the symptoms and treatment options. Follow the links to knowledge resources...
Texas Oak Wilt.org
USDA Oak wilt How-To's
Anarene Development
The following documents pertain to the proposed development of three tracts totaling 1,677 acres located within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of Dripping Springs along Ranch Road 12 (two tracts on the west side and one on the east). One of the tracts along the west side of Ranch Road 12 borders Barton Creek, south of Barton Creek Ranch. The owner intends to develop the land as a master-planned community that will include residential and commercial uses.
Amended and Restated Development Agreement for Anarene Investments Tract
Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Agreement for Anarene Investments Tract
Oh Deer !
As in many of our local communities, deer over-population has become a concern in Barton Creek Ranch. Although we all love the wildlife (that's one of the reason we are all out here) feeding the deer topples the balance of nature by promoting multiple births (twins) or for that matter, births at all in severe drought/starvation conditions.