Barton Creek Ranch
Property Owners Assoc.
P.O.Box 1311
Dripping Springs, Texas, 78620

Barton Creek Ranch POA
meeting minutes 6 / 23 / 2008


12 properties were represented at the meeting.  The entire POA Board (Joe Felkel President, Mari Casserberg VP, Sybil Boyter Treasurer) and ACC (Charles Bonney, Jim Tennison, and Bruce Smith) were among those in attendance.

President’s Address

  • Re-pavement of mail box area: Mike Hurlbut suggested that we plan a day where volunteers get together and build a curb at the mailboxes to help retain the new patch job.
  • Entrance Lights replacement: Joe Felkel announced that he replaced the solar lights in the front of the community, in response to several complaints and suggestions. The solar lights have some limitations in brightness and the vegetation in the planter needs regular trimming to maintain the light fixtures. This was the one improvement project that the BCRPOA spent money on this year.
  • Neighborhood gatherings: We gauged interest in more planned social activities and there was a majority of interest. We refreshed everyone’s memory of the Ice Cream Social (National Night Out) and the Easter Egg Hunt, of this past year. Mari suggested a community garage sale. Sybil suggested a follow-up freecycle freesale ( with anything left over. Sybil also mentioned the recycling drop off center for Hays Co. (located 2.5mi East of RR12 on 150 toward Driftwood) and what they collect: Plastics 1 & 2, tin, aluminum, glass, paper, cardboard, used oil, construction debris. Holly mentioned that for a small fee they also take old appliances and other large objects. There was some discussion about what do with used chemicals, with no local resolution.
  • Trimming of trees along right-of-way: The County would be trimming trees in the easements, for better vision on the roads and that we'd need signed permission from those homeowners who have obstructive trees. Neighbors are encouraged to trim their trees themselves if they have a preference on how/when the trees would be trimmed. Joe also mentioned that political signs not be placed in the right of way. There was also some mention on when political signs be removed. Exercise your right but not too early and take them down when it is over.
  • Oak wilt concerns and resources: Mari & Joe touched on the fact that Oak Wilt is presently in our neighborhood and that all neighbors should be aware of the symptoms and treatment options. Mari passed out a list of internet resource sites.
  • Fire Prevention: We are in a state of serious drought... level 4 of 5. Joe mentioned some tips to prevent the spread of fire: mowing 50 feet around your structures, trimming branches that reach under eaves. Janet Bonney suggested that we mow the easements adjacent to our properties, since the county doesn't do it frequently enough to reduce fire hazard along the roads. Several neighbors discussed the importance of water conservation and the benefits of rainwater collection. A suggestion was made to collect water in a bucket from your taps while you are waiting for hot water and using that water for your garden; water saving appliances such as front-loading washing machines, etc... Neighbors on wells discussed the different well depths and the risks of the upper wells (approx 300 ft – Glen Rose) running slow or going dry in times of drought. Janet Bonney and Beth Caldwell mentioned tapping lower and using well savers and storage tanks.
  • 911 address signs: Joe suggested that everyone purchase the $3 reflective emergency signs that display the address # in the front of properties. For emergency vehicles, these signs help quickly identify unlit rural type properties such as ours. He mentioned that some neighborhoods mandate these signs, but that we are strongly suggesting it. Forms were available at the meeting and on the neighborhood bulletin board near the mailboxes.
  • Importance of covenant compliance: Joe mentioned the importance of covenant compliance. There was some confusion about the Declaration of Covenants. It was clarified that the D of C is the same thing as the restrictions. Charles Bonney has a few hard copies that you can pick-up from him at any time. Sybil Boyter has those documents available via email and that if you would like them sent to you electronically, email her at

Architectural Committee Report

Col. Charles Bonney of the the ACC discussed the importance of following procedures: filing with the ACC before starting construction or improvements on your property. There were the application forms available at the meeting but they will also be available online in the future. He mentioned that it's as easy as making a copy of your survey (to spec out proposed improvements) and attach it to the application. There is a 30 day turnaround but usually is shorter than that.

Financial Report

Sybil Boyter presented the financial report. We have a current balance of $3,262.64. She mentioned that association dues were $10 per year and that payment could be dropped off at her home (289 Barton Ranch Rd.) or mailed to PO Box 1311, Dripping Springs, TX 78620. Checks were collected from those property owners who brought checkbooks to the meeting. A master copy of the neighborhood directory was passed around for revision. To be added to the email list, please send your name & property address to

Future Suggestions

The floor opened to future suggestions. Neighbors showed interest in more social activities: Christmas lighting contest. Someone mentioned publishing a yellow pages of people in the neighborhood and their businesses & talents. Some neighbors discussed getting together on improvement projects. Holly mentioned a babysitting co-op and volunteered to babysit. There was an overall sentiment of neighbors wanting to get to know each other better.

Open Issues From The Membership

  • Karen Hurlbut offered to host our website. She said it would only cost the assoc. $15 a year. There was a vote to approve the website. She will be setting us up under unless that domain name is unavailable. The board will coordinate with her on getting documents & forms online, social news/pictures, community yellow page... and it was clarified that this will not be a forum for political discourse.
  • There was a discussion about the past and current mail carrier and misdirected mail. The consensus was that the situation has improved somewhat and the best policy is to either bring it to the Post Office’s attention or simply put it back in the system for redelivery.
  • Holly Cowan asked about an update on the LCRA surface water situation. There is no sure date but it is in the plans for the pipeline to extend down Ranch Road 12. There was some question about costs to which no one had an answer at this point. It was suggested that the POA conduct some sort of survey to determine how many of the property owners would be interested in LCRA hookups when they come available. This will be taken into consideration by the POA Board of Directors.